Sunday, May 22, 2011

Girls perspective on Boys

I think boys definitely have it the hardest when it comes to fashion.  They want to look nice so they can get girls attention, but if they look too nice it gets the girls attention in the wrong way.  A guy that is really into fashion isn't looked upon as stylish, but rather girly.  From a girls perspective, I hate seeing guys in vibrant or pastel colors.  I feel like it takes away from their manliness.  When I see them dress up for sports I think it always looks the best when they go for a simple button down collared shirt.  When they start sporting sweater vests it kind of makes you see them in a different light that I don't think they necessarily want to be seen in.  I know it's hard on boys because for the most part they just don't know.  Those are the boys that I like though, the ones who go simple and casual.   -Lindsey 5/22



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