Friday, April 8, 2011

What Season is it?

     As the seasons change in the Northeast so frequently it's hard to know when they right time is to switch from boots to flip flops.  Some people wait too long while others are a little too early, but what about the people who refuse to acknowledge that there are any seasons at all?

     I've seen poeple where boots in the summer or flip flops all through the winter and it just looks out of place.  Aren't they hot wearing furry Ugg boots in the summer heat? And aren't they cold wearing flip flops while the snow keeps piling down?  Besides the uncomfortable feeling, they just aren't a good look.  I know sometimes it's hard to tell when to transfer over but as long as it's around the same time as everyone else then everything is okay.  No one should be wearing just flip flops or just uggs for an entire year.

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