Thursday, March 31, 2011

Men in Pink

     "Real men wear pink."  A popular saying for men who are into fashion and don't want to be judged for whatever they want to wear.
     I think men look fine in pink as long as it's a light tint and they don't go overboard with it.  Steven Tyler, however, is not ashamed of wearing hot pink..with ruffles!  He wore this shirt confident on American Idol with no signs of embarrassment.
     Although I obviously really like Steven Tyler (Who doesn't?), sometimes his outfits are a little to crazy for me.  He is a man and should dress like one.  I know he is an artist, but you'd think that would only help his fashion sense because he probably has many people giving him advice as to what to wear.  What are these people thinking?  Hot pink ruffles is not a good look for men, I don't care what their job is.


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